this project combines the gcsa package, google calendar api, and openai to create an intelligent, command-line google calendar manager. it leverages natural language processing, allowing users to manage their calendar through simple voice commands or text input. say goodbye to clicking buttons - just speak or type your requests, and the system will handle the rest.
add new events to your google calendar using natural language
delete events from your calendar with simple commands
set up google calendar api credentials and save as credentials.json
setup openai client
run the main script:
follow the on-screen prompts to interact with your google calendar using natural language commands. the ai will interpret your inputs and perform the appropriate actions.
file structure: entry point of the application handles adding new events to the calendar manages event deletion displays calendar events manages calendar settings
desktop shortcut (macos):
to create a desktop shortcut for easy access, follow these steps:
open terminal and navigate to your desktop
create a new file: nano run_gcal.command
add the following content:
#!/bin/bash cd /path/to/your/project python3
save and exit (ctrl + o, then ctrl + x)
make the file executable: chmod +x run_gcal.command
now you can double-click the run_gcal.command file on your desktop to launch the application.